Carpentry can only be performed in the Carpentry Workshop.
Tools and Materials Required
-6-18 Wood, depending on the number required for the item you are Crafting.
(1) Rip out of the Book as a guide.
(2) Put it in the frame of the projector on the Chisel deck. This will highlight the areas you need to break off in the order required to make the item in the recipe.
(3) Use the Chisel and Hammer to break off the highlighted portions of the Logs. Place the Chisel on the bark. You should be able to feel haptic vibrations from your controller if you have made contact. Once you've lined up the Chisel, slam the Hammer against the end of the Chisel.
(4) Once the bark has been removed in the correct order, you are free to Chisel the softer portion of the Wood in any order to finish the item. Once you've removed the first inner layer after the bark, you will start to see portions of the item you've made. Repeat this step to fully remove all of the soft Wood. There are a total of 3 layers. The first layer is the bark, the second layer is the Logs with the bark removed, and the third layer shows part of the item.
-The projector is not required for creating pieces. As long as you remove the bark in the right order, the correct piece will still be created.
-It is possible to use a Rock on a Stick as a makeshift Hammer, and a Flint as a makeshift Chisel, though these will not be as effective as actual weapons, especially when attempting to carpent higher tiers of Wood.
-The better Material your Carpentry Tools are made from, the easier your experience will be when carpenting.
-Try to line your chisel up under where the bark splits for more leverage. This will make it easier to break the bark off.
Use this image as reference to recreate the pattern numbers below.
Warning; All Recipes are currently not shown currectly. -DiscordDrifter
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You might accidentally make dice if you freestyle work and fail.
12 2 1 3 6 11 10 7 4 9 8 5
Page 6
Short Handle
double sided
2 4 8 12 9 11 1 7 10 6 3 5
Page 7
Slim Rod
~60% more then short handle
3 10 12 2 1 9 6 4 7 8 11 5
Page 8
Round Handle
Has one middle attachment and 4 sides.
4 9 2 1 10 8 11 7 12 3 6 5
Page 9
One form to carry soup in.
9 10 2 4 11 1 6 3 8 12 7 5
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One way to scoop soup.
2 4 3 11 7 6 1 9 12 10 8 5
Page 11
Shield Handle
Required piece for a crafted shield.
4 10 3 8 2 7 6 9 11 1 12 5
Page 12
Medium Rod
Your go-to for hammers, Mallets and Pickaxes.
2 12 6 11 1 9 8 3 7 10 4 5
Page 13
Curled Wooden Handle
Can be used for Scythes, Axes, and other small tools / weapons. Can be placed on a wall hook.
6 12 1 4 3 8 9 7 10 2 11 5
Page 14
Can be used for swords.
10 7 9 2 4 11 1 12 6 8 3 5
Page 15
2 7 10 9 6 3 11 4 1 12 8 5
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Medium Straight Handle
Similar/same length as Medium Rod, 2 sided.
10 8 6 12 2 4 1 9 11 3 7 5
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Medium Branch Handle
Can be used for a double sided pommel \ large sword
8 1 3 10 4 2 6 12 11 9 7 5
Page 18
Fancy Shield Middle
A middle piece for a crafted shield, attaches to the Shield Handle.
12 1 11 6 4 3 9 7 10 8 2 5
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Plain Shield Middle
A middle piece for a crafted shield, attaches to the Shield Handle.
8 1 6 2 12 3 10 11 4 7 9 5
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Plain Shield Middle with notches
A middle piece for a crafted shield, attaches to the Shield Handle. Has notches that you can see through.
7 2 11 3 10 9 1 12 8 4 6 5
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Shield Round Side
A side piece for a crafted shield, attaches to the Shield Middle piece. Spikes can be placed on the front or back of the shield piece.
12 1 2 10 9 8 4 11 6 3 7 5
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Shield Round Side with notches
A side piece for a crafted shield, attaches to the Shield Middle piece. Spikes can be placed on the front or back of the shield piece. Has a notch for viewing or striking through.
7 2 4 3 1 8 6 11 9 10 12 5
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Shield Flat Side with notch
A side piece for a crafted shield, attaches to the Shield Middle piece. Spikes can be placed around the outside edge.
8 1 11 2 9 10 3 7 6 4 12 5
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Shield Flat Side
A side piece for a crafted shield, attaches to the Shield Middle piece. Spikes can be placed around the outside edge.
11 7 12 6 3 9 1 8 2 4 10 5
Page 25
Spiked Club
A rudimentary weapon, better than a practice sword. Deals blunt damage.
12 6 11 10 3 7 4 8 2 9 1 5
Page 26
Long Rod
Can be used to create hammers, pickaxes, axes, and the likes. Using a tool or weapon with a Long Rod and using only one hand causes it to lose durability faster.
2 10 6 11 1 8 9 3 4 12 7 5
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Long Straight Handle
Can also be used to create hammers, pickaxes, axes, and similar tools and weapons just like the Long Rod. Using anything created with this one handed causes it to decay / lose durability faster. Also looks like a bo staff.
6 9 4 11 12 1 3 10 8 7 2 5
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Branch Handle
Good for sickles and voulge.
3 9 6 2 11 8 7 10 12 1 4 5
Page 29
Bow Handle
Requires a dried grass bundle to complete.
12 10 7 9 3 4 2 11 1 6 8 5
Page 30
Arrow shafts, to create crafted arrows.
3 9 8 10 2 11 12 6 7 1 4 5
Page 31
Training Sword
A practice sword, or a last resort of a weapon.
7 10 3 9 1 11 8 4 12 6 2 5
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Sling Shot
12 wood
4 9 1 3 6 8 11 7 10 12 2 5
Can be used for torches, glowing crystals, and other tools just as a medium handle, or basic wooden stick retrieved from wood cutting, only you can stick the in walls and in the ground. This allows creative tool storage since tools don't stack.
Used to slingshot a number of items such as or , or just plain item bags.